Monday, November 16, 2015

World Hunger by World Magic

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Could you imagine going to bed hungry? Probably not. Well some people do. 1 billion people in this world are hungry because of world hunger. 860 million people suffer around the world from world hunger. Locations: Here's a few locations were world hunger is found India, China, Bangladesh, Indonesia. Africa has the most world hunger. Russia, US, and Australia has least world hunger.
Hati and Asia has world hunger.

What are some effects of world hunger? Well theses are only a few affects: diseases, stress, homeless population, reduce a child's motor skills, and kill kids all over the world.

Think you could be one of the BILLION people that are in this world .Also it would take billions of dollars to end world hunger. Another fact is every 3 seconds someone dies from world hunger.

Many people ask why is there world hunger?Well here's a few reasons why.  First of all food wastage; kids don't like to eat it so they toss it . Second of all poverty is where you don't have enough money. Third of all unstable markets ,when a market collapses you have no food . Last but not least war and conflict for example if you have a war or a problem in families. In a war people and places are destroyed. If a family's going through a divorce you can loose a lot of money for food and other objects in order to live.

 Maybe the facts that we told you and the effects of world hunger your perspective we hope you try to end world hunger.

World Hunger

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14.8% of people live in poverty. More than 300 billion people live on less than $1.25 a day. Everybody needs to help hungry people. Imagine you were a hungry person and you didn't eat that much at all and you had to eat mud cookies, spoiled food, or food that was just laying outside. So please help out with world hunger. It will help a whole lot for the people out there that need your help.

 40% of kids in subsaharan Africa stopped growing because they don't get the nutrients,vitamins,and protein that they need. These countries can't afford food, schools, clothes or homes or basically anything. You end up loosing so much weight after not eating much. 600 liters of water are wasted a day. When you cook your food you loose the nutrients. Your body cells need nutrients so you need to feed those cells to get the nutrients. Your cells are only seven years old at all times. In Germany there are 630 acres of land to grow crops on. People have a 4,000 square feet farm and they grow 6,000 pounds of food each year and give it away to people in need.

 World hunger is a HUGE problem. You need to help world hunger because one out of seven children go to bed hungry. Think if you had to go to bed hungry how would you feel. So please help those hungry people out there that need your help.

Hunger Fighters

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Today we are talking about world hunger. There are so many starving people in the world. How can we stop this? How do you think we can stop this.

 There are 58 million starving people in the world. In 2015 nutrition plays a role in at least half of these deaths. To help solve these problems people need to donate money food or drinks like caned food. 98% of the worlds undernourished people live in developing countries. Asia has the most starving people at 525.6 million. One in nine people in the world do not have enough to eat. 1.7 billon people lack clean water. has made about 230,048,193 meals for countries. They have made 1,480,056 this week and have served 71 countries. has raised $78,564,841 for the hungry.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Here We Come As The Hunger Helpers

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Hunger, hunger, hunger helpers! We are here to help over 600 million people that are hungry. Did you know that over 3.1 million kids die per day? We need to help the people that are not so fortunate. Let's make a difference.

795 million people are hungry. 21,000 die every day. We don't have enough food for the world. A person can go without food for 46-73 days. Some ways to help are to send food to hungry families, go on mission trips, learn and research so we can help better.

Some countries with the least amount of poverty are: first place, Taiwan; second place, Malaysia; 3rd place, Ireland; 4th place,Austria, 5th place, Thailand.

We need to send families food and water. We need to have more food drives and more schools having can food drives. We need way more people to join the Red cross and a lot more people to go on mission trips. We need to get friends and neighbors to donate food and water.

Thanks for reading our blog.

World Hunger

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Welcome to Bread Blog! We hope you know that world hunger is an everyday problem that we should try to solve. Here are some general world hunger facts!! Did you know 805 million people are starving. And that 300 million of them are starving. Every 10 seconds a child dies to. 27% of children are under weight in developing country's.

Where is the hunger? Well most of the hunger is in Aftganistan. The hungriest continent is Africa. Also only 5 countries have met their needs. Most people don't get food because some food is contaminated and some food goes to waste. Also people don't have enough money to buy food for themselves. Hungry people's hearts shrink  because of lack of food. Hungry people also are very short. And the brain takes 20 % of energy.

Thanks for visiting Bread Blog. We hope you like our blog and hope that you try to help us stop THE WORLD HUNGER. -FROM BREAD BLOG

I Heart K H

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Did you know that world hunger is an ongoing problem? In fact, there are probably people in your town or city and definitely your country that are suffering from hunger. For the cost of one missile, a school of hungry children could eat lunch for 5 years.


35 million people die a year.  27,000 to 30,000 people die every day due to poverty. Poverty claims a life every 3.6 seconds a day. HOW MUCH PEOPLE DO WE NEED TO FEED We need to feed over a billion people and over a billion people are with less land. In Asia Africa and Latin American countries well over 500 million people are living in what the world bank called absolutely poverty.


$160 billion every day  is spent on food that is thrown away. The average family of 4 throws away 22 hundred dollars a week in food. 40% of food is thrown away a day.


13 billion dollars a year is spent on perfume. People spend 200 billion dollars shopping on line. Average teachers spend $5,000 each year for school supplies. It costs 50 cents a day to feed one child.


World hunger is horrible. You should try and stop it from happening. If you don't act now it will become worse. Every 3.6 seconds a child dies. PLEASE HELP STOP WORLD HUNGER

Links: Video

World Hunger Stoppers In Action For The First Time

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      Each year over 1 million people die from hunger. The world can only produce enough food to feed 7 billion people. One of the many reasons of hunger is populate growth.

      These are some countries that have starving people China, Pakistan, Ethiopia and Madagascar. Some more facts are, 1 of 8 children go to bed hungry. Why are their hungry people. They can not afford food. Their is not enough food they live in poverty. Causes of world hunger are poverty ,drought,war and conflict,weather and climate change,population growth and food shortages. Every $109.50 can feed 30 hungry children.

      I hope you consider not wasting food and join the fight against world hunger and poverty join the fight and win with us.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Needing Nutrition

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What are your first thoughts on world hunger? Well, people eat dirt cookies to survive. So what counts as hungry and what doesn't? 21,000 people die a day because of world hunger. 16,000 children die every day to malnourishment. Did you know every 5 seconds a child dies, 1...2...3...4...5... Hungry people will eat any thing they can get there hands on. 805 million people are starving right now. If the hungry people get sick they have to fight through it. They don't have good access to good medicine like you and I .

What happens to people who are malnourished? You basically don't grow at all. Also you get bloated and you will have a poor immune system. Sometimes you could get dizzy and be low on energy. You could get muscle weakness which means that you can't pick up heavy things. So basically you can't lift anything at all. In Africa you can purchase  a child for only $14. The reason children are sold is because they don't work hard enough and earn enough money for their servants. The reason for the need of money is because they need to buy food, so they sell children to earn money.

After all this information I have been telling you, now what does hunger mean to YOU?

 Now watch this :


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805 million people are hungry today! But by the time you read this it may be more. It would cost about $30,000,000 to feed hungry people every year. Hunger is as crisis!

Did you know Africa and Asia have the most hungry kids in the world. Hunger can be ended by not wasting or over eating. More than 21,000 people die each day due to hunger. Also if you don't eat for more than 2 months your body will change from your natural body source glucose and changes to a different source made from your fatty acids called keytones. It eats all your fat so youare skin and bones. If we did not waste food,  world hunger could stop today. Imagine eating dirt to survive.

How would you like to be in their lives? Just think, your child, a living skeleton. But YOU CAN HELP! LINKS:

This Is What Hunger Looks Like

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     We're here to stop hunger. Did you know 21,000 people DIE FROM HUNGER a year. Also 795 million people people a year are hungry. To solve world hunger it will cost 30 billion dollars a year. Can you believe all that!!

     You wonder whose hungry and whose not. The top 10 hungriest country's are Brunti, Eritera, Comoros,Timorleste,Sudan,Chad, The Yemen Republic, Ethopio, Madigascar, and Zamidio. The ten least hungriest country's are Gabon, Mauritius, China, Paraguay, El-Salvador, Kyrgyz-Republic, Trinidad and Todayo, Culimba, Moroscoat, and Peru.  You were probably thinking Hati was the hungriest.

       You are wondering how the bodies will react to the food they receive after being hungry. The first three to five days they will consume little to no gluten. To consume the average amount of food they will need to consume 1.5 kilograms of food a day. We will make sure that they get vitamins and plenty of food each day. We will not give them big meals at first.

       You are wondering what people have done and how you can help. We'll we are about to tell you. People have sent farm animals to 3rd world countries. We can make enough money if we raise it. Please don't waste food. Give it to the hungry. Just think about this. You have a big meal at least once a week. You get more than you will eat. You find out that you have a lot more food left on your plate than you thought.  When you are done you can give the leftovers to someone who never gets big meals. Someone who barely even gets any food at all.

     So what do you think about this?  You wouldn't want this to happen to you!  So think about the people that are suffering.

Dirt cookies 4 min. Video.